To the Girl Who Falls Too Hard, Too Fast

To the girl who falls too hard, too fast, you're not the problem.

That's the first thing I want you to know. The way you love is not your fault. Some people would kill to love the way you do: fully, with all your heart.

I'm sure that you've been in this situation one (or five) too many times: You meet someone, you're telling yourself not to take things too seriously because you've been hurt too many times in the past. You end up spending a ton of time with this person. He seems to be just as into you as you are him. You aren't playing any games. None of that waiting to text first. You act on your feelings. You want to talk to him, so you do. You want to be kind and generous and give him your all, and you do.

And as soon as you do, that's when everything changes. You've had it in your mind that things will become serious with this person because the feelings are all there. Everything feels right. Everything feels like it's supposed to. So what's the problem?

He slows down on his text messages but still keeps you hanging on. You're confused. You don't know what the hell the problem is. Why did things drop off? Does he think you're too invested too quick? Is he bored? Could it be that he's over it because the chase is over? You blame it on yourself. You sit home and stare at your ceiling: What did I do to make this happen? you think.

But I'm here to tell you it's not your fault.

First of all, props to you for not playing games and props to you for staying true to yourself. Life is too short to hold back your feelings. Maybe the timing was wrong. Maybe he's looking for something different. Maybe this is the universe's way of telling you to run and fast.

There have been too many times when I've been in this situation. I'm always faced with the question of what am I doing wrong? It's taken my heart getting broken multiple times to realize that I am not the issue. Me being myself and giving my all to someone I feel deserves it is not the issue. The issue is the modern world and 100 other things in the universe that may be against this relationship. Timing, compatibility, fate.

To the girl who falls too hard, too fast. Stop blaming yourself. Don't give up. Never stop loving with your all. Never stop acting on your feelings. If it feels right, it probably is and if it feels wrong, it probably is. Sometimes, yes, we get blindsided by love or lust, but there are feelings that we have to pay attention to. Always remember to follow your gut.

Part of the problem is the modern world and how dating has changed so much. No one wants to put labels on anything nowadays, so it's a hard time for the girl who falls too hard, too fast. You're ready for someone to commit when you feel the time and person is exactly who/what it should be. But that's not what people are doing now. Most people have just fallen accustomed to it, but you? No, you want for sure. You want there to be no questions.

To the girl who falls too hard, too fast. Stop and take a breath. If you're feeling there's something questionable about the potential relationship, listen to that. Fall hard and fall fast, but be prepared. Be prepared for someone to not reciprocate those feelings. Be prepared to be hurt. But just know that it will teach you lessons. It will make you stronger. It will teach you things that will lead you closer to finding (or being found by someone) who falls too hard, too fast for you.

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