5 Tips To Make Moving Out Of Your Ex’s Apartment A Little Easier

Monday, August 8, 2016

As your relationship gets more and more serious, it’s only natural that moving in together is a step you may take—and a pretty serious step at that. While many relationships may crumble, some may be at their best after you take the plunge to move in together.

For relationships that don’t work out, breaking up can be a lot more complicated if you’ve been living together. Even though you may want to run back to your apartment and never see your boyfriend ever again, you can’t… because your apartment is your ex’s, too.

When couples that live together break up, there are loose ends to tie up: finishing the last payments on bills, making sure that all their belongings are gone, and squaring up with security deposits. The list goes on.

I’ll be honest: it’s not easy. A few months back, my partner and I split up and he moved out of my place. Things were easier for me because I didn’t have to move my stuff out. He was left with the burden of having to gather all his belongings and move out.

It was hard watching him pack up his stuff. I felt bad that I was making him rearrange his entire life. I felt bad that he’d have to find somewhere else to call home. So many times during his move out, I wanted to forget all the messed up things he did to me and just forget this whole breakup idea.

Because, yes, there were times when I was sympathetic towards him, but we also had a ton of fights. His schedule was hard to work with and I didn’t want him there when I wasn’t home. We fought about who would keep certain things. I had to watch him throw out things that were once incredibly important to us.

Throughout the entire process of us heading our separate ways, I learned a lot about how things could have been a lot easier and more painless.

1. Set a move-out schedule.

One of the hardest things about the move-out situation was that we had separate schedules, so we had a hard time coordinating when he would move his things out. Instead of him texting me multiple times a day asking when he could come by for his things, I wish we had sat down in the beginning and laid out the times and days when the move-out would take place. If we’d done this, we would have fought a lot less.

To read the rest of this piece, please visit Elite Daily.
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To the Girl Who Falls Too Hard, Too Fast

Friday, August 5, 2016

To the girl who falls too hard, too fast, you're not the problem.

That's the first thing I want you to know. The way you love is not your fault. Some people would kill to love the way you do: fully, with all your heart.

I'm sure that you've been in this situation one (or five) too many times: You meet someone, you're telling yourself not to take things too seriously because you've been hurt too many times in the past. You end up spending a ton of time with this person. He seems to be just as into you as you are him. You aren't playing any games. None of that waiting to text first. You act on your feelings. You want to talk to him, so you do. You want to be kind and generous and give him your all, and you do.

And as soon as you do, that's when everything changes. You've had it in your mind that things will become serious with this person because the feelings are all there. Everything feels right. Everything feels like it's supposed to. So what's the problem?

He slows down on his text messages but still keeps you hanging on. You're confused. You don't know what the hell the problem is. Why did things drop off? Does he think you're too invested too quick? Is he bored? Could it be that he's over it because the chase is over? You blame it on yourself. You sit home and stare at your ceiling: What did I do to make this happen? you think.

But I'm here to tell you it's not your fault.

First of all, props to you for not playing games and props to you for staying true to yourself. Life is too short to hold back your feelings. Maybe the timing was wrong. Maybe he's looking for something different. Maybe this is the universe's way of telling you to run and fast.

There have been too many times when I've been in this situation. I'm always faced with the question of what am I doing wrong? It's taken my heart getting broken multiple times to realize that I am not the issue. Me being myself and giving my all to someone I feel deserves it is not the issue. The issue is the modern world and 100 other things in the universe that may be against this relationship. Timing, compatibility, fate.

To the girl who falls too hard, too fast. Stop blaming yourself. Don't give up. Never stop loving with your all. Never stop acting on your feelings. If it feels right, it probably is and if it feels wrong, it probably is. Sometimes, yes, we get blindsided by love or lust, but there are feelings that we have to pay attention to. Always remember to follow your gut.

Part of the problem is the modern world and how dating has changed so much. No one wants to put labels on anything nowadays, so it's a hard time for the girl who falls too hard, too fast. You're ready for someone to commit when you feel the time and person is exactly who/what it should be. But that's not what people are doing now. Most people have just fallen accustomed to it, but you? No, you want for sure. You want there to be no questions.

To the girl who falls too hard, too fast. Stop and take a breath. If you're feeling there's something questionable about the potential relationship, listen to that. Fall hard and fall fast, but be prepared. Be prepared for someone to not reciprocate those feelings. Be prepared to be hurt. But just know that it will teach you lessons. It will make you stronger. It will teach you things that will lead you closer to finding (or being found by someone) who falls too hard, too fast for you.
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Why You Can Thank Technology For How Shitty Modern Dating Really Is

Monday, August 1, 2016

At this point in our lives, obviously technology is almost mandatory. Phones, televisions, computers, what the hell would we do without them?

Technology proves to be great when it comes to making many things in life easier, but they've also mastered making certain aspects of life a whole hell of a lot more complicated and confusing.

Recently, a friend of mine and her boyfriend got into an argument over something stupid and it ended up lasting days. She sat around and wondered why the hell her boyfriend wasn't cooperating with her or making an effort himself to solve the issue at hand. When they finally got a chance to talk, she realized he had looked through her cell phone and saw a conversation with a friend of hers telling her how shitty of a boyfriend he was being.

Of course, if he hadn't seen that text conversation, they probably would have talked it out much earlier but because he was so hurt by the text, it took him longer to talk about the issue face-to-face.

That got me thinking: Technology has completely ruined modern dating and relationships.

I can only imagine what life was like before texting, cell phones, and all the other things modern technology has graced us with. It sounds insane to even think about how people communicated with each other back then. I mean they had to physically go to that person's home or meet with them to make plans or talk. Baffling.

"I can only imagine what life was like before texting, cell phones, and all the other things modern technology has graced us with. "

And we all know that with technology, comes social media as well and that has turned into a monster of its own. Now instead of just having text messages and phone calls to fight over, there's Facebook comments, Instagram likes, Twitter favorites and dating apps.

For those people who are in a relationship, there's a good chance that social media has come up at one point in your relationship. "Why don't you post any photos of us together?", "Why did you like that girls photo?", "How do you know that person you just followed?".

Obviously, worries like this are a sign of bigger problems in your relationship, but think about it: Questions like this wouldn't even exist if it weren't for technology.

For those of you not in a relationship, good luck (myself included). In a world where apps like Tinder and Bumble have been downloaded onto just about every millennial's phone, you can bet that people aren't putting in as much effort into finding someone. And guess what? It's because technology does it for them. They don't have to. 

These dating apps only make it more simple and convenient to match with random people who may be completely wrong for you—especially considering the fact that many people use the app just to hook up or simply because they're bored. 

It's harder to weed out those who aren't you're type because you're basically judging someone off a small description their friend could have written for them and the photos they choose. You won't be able to tell if there are sparks between you, you can't see body language, it's all a shot in the dark.

"Dating sites and apps simply can't be trusted."

Even if you do meet someone, who the hell even knows if they're a real human being or if they're using photos from 4 years ago. People are usually very different from the way they present themselves online. Dating sites and apps simply can't be trusted. Call me old fashion but I'd much rather meet someone by chance than by swiping right to the photo of them that's been photoshopped or edited.

Because of how accessible everyone now is with the invention of more advanced technology, it also leads people to being a lot more self-conscious about their relationship. For instance, when your SO just stops answering for, say, an hour, you're instantly stuck wondering Was it something I said? What did I do? when it could simply be a matter of their phone dying or them taking a shower. It's almost led us to believe that someone who isn't attached to their technology 24/7 is not to be trusted. It leads you to start making up scenarios in your head and overthinking things.

Believe me, I'm no angel. My phone is connected to me 24/7. I look at people who do those "7 Days Without Technology" challenges and snicker at the idea. But after seeing certain people in certain situations and even taking a look at how technology has negatively impacted my love life, I'll definitely be making it a point to lower my usage and think logically and realistically when I wonder what whoever is on the other side is doing. 
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I Don’t Want Kids And I Really Don’t See What The Issue Is

Friday, July 29, 2016

In today’s world, it almost seems mandatory to have children. As soon as you get a serious boyfriend and/or are considering marriage, your relatives are instantly making eyes at you and popping the “When are you gonna have a baby?” question. That’s the thing, though. They ask when ​are you going to have a baby like it’s just expected.

Believe it or not, the sole purpose of being a woman is more than just being able to bear children. Sorry to break it to you, relatives, but each and every day the world is becoming more modern and not every woman wants to live her adult life caring after another human being (isn’t caring for a husband enough?). The millennial generation is constantly switching up the traditions and creating our own new traditions and, yes, that includes being an adult without a baby.

I remember the moment I told my mom there’s no way I want children. Of course, she brushes it off as me just being a young adult and not really knowing what I’m talking about. Whenever I bring up the subject with older friends and family, they instantly spit out the line, “Well, when you meet your husband that’ll all change.” While I’m not completely ruling out the idea, I honestly just can’t picture myself changing my mind.

I’m not sure exactly what brought me to this ultimate decision. Maybe it’s just a combination of all the things I’ve been surrounded by in my life. I grew up with great parents who love each other and treated me well, but it seems that I’m a minority when it comes to that fact. Between parents constantly getting divorced, stress, finances, and much, much more, I finally came to the conclusion that kids just aren’t in the cards for me.

Before I go into all the reasons that kids suck I’m all set on the whole “being a mother” thing, I just want to put a disclaimer out there. I completely understand that this is a touchy subject, but just realize that this is my decision and solely my opinion. To all the mothers out there rocking their role as mommy, more power to ya!

But, I honestly don’t understand the attraction to babies. Why do people think they’re so cute? Maybe I’m just a huge asshole, but I don’t even think babies are cute or cuddly whatsoever. And is it just me or do they all look the same? Honestly, I’ve maybe seen about like four or five somewhat adorable babies in my whole life. They’re all smiley and googley then, uh, there comes a mouth full of vomit and a full diaper. Especially when babies are just born, I seriously don’t understand the attraction. To be honest, it kind of just makes me cringe. Uck.

"Maybe I’m just a huge asshole, but I don’t even think babies are cute or cuddly whatsoever. "

On top of that, just thinking about a baby crying and whining and drooling and all those other nasty bodily functions that come out of children literally makes m​e​ want to vom.

The world is a terrible place right n​ow,​ I don’t want to imagine it when I’m ready to have kids. In, I’d say, the past 10 years, I’ve seen some seriously disturbing things on the news happening across the country and even down the street from me. It’s honestly a sad fact that you can’t even take your kid to the movies without feeling a little eerie and on the lookout. Between shootings, theft, and just all-around terrible things, the world is honestly a pretty shitty place to raise a child. Not to mention, the world is already so overpopulated.

Even the things beyond what we can control like disease and sickness risk have seriously risen in just the past ten years. Now just take today’s world and multiply it by 20 and just imagine. That’s what the world you’re bringing a child into may look like. Doesn’t sound like fun to me.

Also, having a child is just too damn expensive. Considering the fact that it’s almost $3 for a freakin’ bottle of water, I’m not even sure I want to know how much it costs to raise a child. I seriously cannot even fathom all the products you need to have when you’re a mother—diapers, baby clothes, food, cribs, diapers, stroller, toys, blankets, diapers. Did I mention diapers?

"I’m not even sure I want to know how much it costs to raise a child."

Oh, and I’m still paying my own college loans, never mind starting to save for someone else’s. You think college is expensive now? Wait until 2035 when it’s time for my kid to head off to start their higher education. I’d be drowning in bills. Plus, when I was growing up, we had a couple Bratz dolls and a password diary and called it a great day. Now kids are playing with iPads, iPhones, and expensive gaming systems. Talk about draining your bank account (that’s probably already non­-existent taking care of just yourself).

I can’t imagine having to be responsible for another human being. I can hardly manage my own life. Between juggling three jobs and trying to find time to breathe, eat, and shower (you know, life’s necessities) I can’t even fathom the thought of having to fit another human being’s needs into my day, as I hardly have time for my own. Not to mention, my bills aren’t even that serious now. I’d probably have to get a fourth job and a sugar daddy on the side to get by having a kid. I have two dogs right now and they’re just like kids in that I have to feed them and take them to the bathroom and whatnot, but you can leave them home alone and they don’t need clothes. Remind me why people have babies again? Dogs are just easier, you guys. Seriously.

The thought of having to be “perfect” all the time to set a good example, it’s exhausting. We all make mistakes, and I’d hate to have a child follow my mine. As a mother, you’re constantly teaching lessons and trying to show your child the way of life. But what if there’s something you don’t know how to handle? How do you show your child the right and wrong way? In today’s society, just looking at magazines and seeing people in the streets, you feel pressure to be perfect. I can’t imagine really having to enforce that perfection if I have a real person trying to learn from me.

"The thought of having to be “perfect” all the time to set a good example, it’s exhausting. "

In all honestly, I really think I’m too selfish to raise a child. I’m sure many of you are reading this calling me selfish and I’m here to confirm that for you. You have to be pretty selfless to raise a child. Call it immaturity or whatever you want, but I want to worry about myself and my puppies and no one else. Many moms I know don’t even have time to shower, let alone go get pampered once in a while. Call me egotistical, but I love to treat myself to a new lipstick or a fancy dinner once in awhile. I love what little freedom I have right now (being a dog mom and whatnot. I still have some responsibility) and I’m not sure I ever want to give it up. Sometimes a girl needs a night of silence to herself to drink a glass of wine and watch a few episodes of S​candal, ​okay?

All in all, I think some of us women just aren’t cut out for motherhood. I don’t think that means anything is necessarily wrong ​with us, we’re just traveling down different paths in life. We’re still just as womanly, strong and brave as mothers are, just in a different sense and there’s nothing wrong with that.
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Why It’s Okay to Struggle With ‘Grandma Syndrome’ When You’re in Your 20s

Picture a “normal” twenty-one year old—finally of legal drinking age, probably in college or living alone, has the freedom to do basically whatever the hell they want. Whether they’re in a state school that literally throws ragers every night of the week or even opted out of school to explore, chances are, when you’re in your 20s, you’re probably partying at least once a week. Well, that is, unless you have “Grandma Syndrome.”

A friend of mine actually brought the concept up to me and a light bulb immediately lit up in my head. She basically described my entire life with those two words. Also in her twenties, we bonded over the idea of staying at home baking cookies, cuddling with our dogs, and watching reruns of Law & Order rather than hitting the town, drinking until our livers can’t take anymore, and having to put a bra on.

Maybe it’s because I’ve never been one to drink, but I actually don’t really enjoy interacting with people that I couldn’t care less about. I hate the idea of going to the bar and seeing people I haven’t seen since high school and pretending I give a shit about what they’re doing with their lives (harsh, I know, but we’re all thinking it, right?). I hate paying $12 for a drink when I could spend that $12 on about three pints of Ben and Jerry’s. I hate having to get dressed up in skimpy little dresses and heels when I’d rather be home on my couch—sweatpants, hair tie, chillin’ with no makeup on (Drake was on to something there…).

"I hate the idea of going to the bar and seeing people I haven’t seen since high school and pretending I give a shit about what they’re doing with their lives"

As an adult, life is so damn tiring. You wake up, rush to get ready for work, spend the entire day working at a job that probably doesn’t pay enough, come home, cook dinner, wash the dishes, shower, and it’s time to go to bed only to wake up in the morning and do it all over again. Even if you’re only working five days a week, most of the time your days off are busier and more stressful that your days on since you have to catch up on all the things you didn’t have time to do during your work week. The idea of using that valuable chill time to go out and spend more money that I don’t have when I could be at home unwinding from the week is out of the question.

Not to mention if you’re a student on top of that. You have your job (probably more than on if you plan on paying off your student loans in the next century), you have to tend to your home/friends/family, and you have all the homework and classes, too. There’s no way in hell I’m staying out until the crack of dawn getting smashed when I could be catching up on sleep that I missed out on throughout the week.

The worst part of this is that I’m constantly trying to make up lies to tell me friends when they call me and ask if I want to go out. I’m constantly pulling out the “too much homework,” “already in bed,” or “have to get up early in the morning” cards, and I’m running out of ideas. But that’s the thing: I shouldn’t have to lie—it’s exhausting! I should be able to tell my friends, “Hell no, I don’t want to go out,” and that shouldn’t upset them.

Yes, I’ll be the first to admit it: I’m a party pooper. On the rare occasion my friends do drag me out of the house, I get there, hang out for twenty minutes, and am ready to go back home. Because of this and the fact that it’s a serious struggle for my friends to talk me into leaving my dogs to go out, my friends are constantly begging me to go out with them, calling me lazy, telling me I’m no fun and, guess what, friends? I know, and I truly don’t give a damn!

"When you’re someone who has this syndrome, you’re probably also constantly being called all sorts of synonyms for “party pooper.”"

This is Grandma Syndrome. When you’re someone who has this syndrome, you’re probably also constantly being called all sorts of synonyms for “party pooper.” But I’m fine with that if it means catching up on my TV shows and drowning in a box of Cheez-Its. Go ahead and call me a party pooper. I’m sick of having to apologize to my friends for not wanting to go out. There’s absolutely no reason that you should have to say sorry for wanting to relax at home and try to feel like a human again since you’ve been a zombie all week long.

All in all, everyone is different. Just because I’m not the type of twenty-one-year-old who wants to be nocturnal on a Friday night and spend the entire next day sweaty and hungover doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with me. A wise friend once said to me, “Stop checking for grays, keep watching Grey’s.” Well, that’s exactly what I’ll be doing, and you can judge me all you want.
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